The British Yemeni Society
A charity, promoting friendship and understanding between the people of UK and Yemen.
what we do
What we do – Charitable Work
Our charitable works include donations, talks and events to raise awareness and making academic grants towards study about or in Yemen.
tonometer donated to Ras Morbat clinic
In December 2021 the British Yemeni Society (BYS) provided a tonometer (a valuable diagnostic tool used for testing the fluid pressure inside the eye) to the Ras Morbat Eye Clinic in Aden.
We are grateful to all those who made this possible, and to those who continue to contribute to the BYS Appeal for Yemen.

£ Donations in last 10 years
Health related projects
Education related projects
B-YS donates tonometer to Ras Morbat clinic
In December 2021 B-YS provided a tonometer (a valuable diagnostic tool used for testing the fluid pressure inside the eye) to the Ras Morbat Eye Clinic in Aden. The B-YS is grateful to all those who made this possible, and to those who continue to contribute to the...
B-YS support for Al-Rahmah Hospital
In early August 2021 B-YS member Muhammad Bin Dohry presented a donation of $2750 from the British Yemeni Society to the Al Rahma Cooperative Hospital in Mukalla.nThe funds will go towards the cost of purchasing an X-ray machine, and purchasing items for the dental...
Action for Child Trauma International
The B-YS is supporting Action for Child Trauma International in its steps to get established in Yemen. ACTI has years of experience worldwide in treating children who have lives shattered by conflict, violence and natural disasters, many of whom will go on to develop...
What We Do – Academic Grants
As part of its educational mission, the British Yemeni Society offers up to £1,000 annually to assist with academic study related to Yemen. Applications are invited from anyone carrying out research in, or on Yemen, at a university, preferably one that is based in Britain or Yemen.
Applicant’s nationality is irrelevant. Applications may be made to assist with study in any subject or field, so long as it is concerned with Yemen, and is for a specific qualification (e.g., BA, MA, PhD etc.). Post-Doctoral researchers may apply but will only be considered should no more junior applicant approach the Committee.
Since 2010 the Society has made available a total of more than £6,000 to scholars for a variety of studies on Yemen.
How to apply
Applicants should apply by email to the Secretary of the Society. Please provide:
•a 300-word abstract of the study
•a recommendation from the applicant’s supervisor.
•A brief CV.
The deadline for applications is 31 May. However, because of the variability in the number of applications received every year and current conditions in Yemen, anyone interested is encouraged to contact the Secretary in the first instance, even after the annual deadline.
Successful applicants will be required to make an acknowledgment of the grant in their thesis or dissertation. They will also be expected to make a presentation to the Society and/or contribute an article to the BYS Journal on the results of the research assisted by the grant.
If you require any further information or wish to discuss an application, please contact the Secretary.
Previous Grant Scholars
2010 – Thanos Petouris
2010 Academic Grant Scholar...
2011 – Benedict Wilkinson
2011 Academic Grant Scholar...
2012 – Larissa Alles
2012 Academic Grant Scholar...
2013 – Amr Towfik Sufian
2013 Academic Grant Scholar...
2014 Maria-Louise Clausen
2014 Academic Grant Scholar...
2015 – Joshua Rogers
Academic Grant Scholar...
2016 – Ashwaq Abdulsalam Shujaa Adeen
Ashwaq Abdulsalam Shujaa...
2017 Joseph Higgins
Joseph Higgins – University...
Recent Video Publications
Prof Nancy Um on Mocha in the 17th and 18th centuries
Published 12 December 2022
Helen Lackner with Noel Brehony
Published 25 October 2022
Watch Helen Lackner and Noel Brehony in conversation discussing the book ‘Yemen, Poverty, and Conflict’.
Nawal al-Maghafi
Published 30 September 2022
Personal reflections as a reporter in Yemen.