by defnet_bys | Apr 10, 2018 | News Society
We were having problems with a deluge of spam e-mails. In repairing the site we have lost much recent material. We shall try to be back up to date as soon as possible. (10 April 2018)nnnnnnn
by defnet_bys | Jan 3, 2017 | News Society
It is very difficult for me as chairman of the B-YS, to write a “festive season” message to members of the British Yemeni Society. The past few days have seen the launch of a major appeal in the UK by the Disasters Emergency Committee, highlighting the...
by defnet_bys | Aug 16, 2016 | News Society
Dear Members,nI am saddened to have to say that the news from Yemen has not improved since I wrote at the beginning of July. The peace talks in Kuwait paused for a couple of weeks at the end of June but resumed in mid-July. The Kuwaiti Government gave the sides in the...
by defnet_bys | Jul 13, 2016 | News Society
Dear Members,nOur AGM was well attended on 2 June, just before the start of Ramadan. The buffet at Baden Powell House, over the road from the Yemeni Embassy, made it a pleasant social occasion. Our Yemeni co-President, HE Dr Yassin Noman, attended, but the British...
by defnet_bys | Mar 24, 2016 | News Society
The news from Yemen has remained grim over the past weeks. Security in Aden is poor to say the very least; Taizz is still a battleground inside a siege as far as one can tell; and Sana’a waits apprehensively as forces opposed to the Houthis and/or Saleh (but...
by defnet_bys | Aug 21, 2015 | News Society
Thanos Petouris has been researching the nationalist, anti-colonial movement in South Arabia and the subsequent decolonisation process from British rule in the years 1937-67. His focus is to explain the emergence of national identities during periods of...