Message from B-YS Chair Dr Robert Wilson

It is very difficult for me as chairman of the B-YS, to write a “festive season” message to members of the British Yemeni Society. The past few days have seen the launch of a major appeal in the UK by the Disasters Emergency Committee, highlighting the...

Message from the Chairman

Dear Members,nI am saddened to have to say that the news from Yemen has not improved since I wrote at the beginning of July. The peace talks in Kuwait paused for a couple of weeks at the end of June but resumed in mid-July. The Kuwaiti Government gave the sides in the...

Message from the Chairman

Dear Members,nOur AGM was well attended on 2 June, just before the start of Ramadan. The buffet at Baden Powell House, over the road from the Yemeni Embassy, made it a pleasant social occasion. Our Yemeni co-President, HE Dr Yassin Noman, attended, but the British...

Message from the Chairman

The news from Yemen has remained grim over the past weeks. Security in Aden is poor to say the very least; Taizz is still a battleground inside a siege as far as one can tell; and Sana’a waits apprehensively as forces opposed to the Houthis and/or Saleh (but...
Thanos Petouris

Thanos Petouris

Thanos Petouris has been researching the nationalist, anti-colonial movement in South Arabia and the subsequent decolonisation process from British rule in the years 1937-67. His focus is to explain the emergence of national identities during periods of...